Uber & Lyft Accidents

Uber & Lyft Accident FAQs 

What happens if you get into an accident with an Uber driver?

If you get into an accident with an Uber driver, the immediate thing you should do is document all the evidence you can, get the uber driver’s information and that information of anyone who can validate that the accident was not your fault. Next you should find a top Uber accident lawyer, such as Steven Daneshgar and his highly experienced team. Experience is very important in dealing with uber accident cases as a lawyer must know their policies, insurance and immediately send out a preservation of evidence letter, so all the data related to that ride is saved.

How do I file an accident claim with Uber?

If you want to file a claim against Uber, the first thing you need to do is make an official claim with the Uber Claims department. It is highly suggested that you work with a top Uber Accident attorney in the process of making your claim and the subsequent proof and negotiation phase. In addition to the claim, you must get and report the driver’s insurance. Next, you must request trip verification from Uber and to hold/save the drivers data. This is very important since the policy varies if the driver was on a paid drive/ attending a paid drive versus not logged into the app.

It is important to get an experienced professional to help out. Without it, the insurance company may give you a reduced offer or play hard to get, might claim it was your fault or even claim the injuries/conditions occurred before the accident. Call Steven Daneshgar now to get a free evaluation on your Uber case. We are one of the top firms in California specifically on Uber accidents.  

How many Uber drivers have crashed?

Uber released their safety report that suggests uber is actually safer than the national average driver/driving mileages. This conclusion was based by Uber’s own internal tools so it’s tough to truly understand how many accidents there were. What we do know is nearly 100 fatal crashed occur every year during an Uber ride. These fatal accidents were much more likely to occur in the evening. This number is likely to only include Uber’s actual in app driving time and not downtime that many drivers take. The data otherwise is murky because some drivers use multiple ride share apps, some accidents or fender benders are not reported, etc.

Is Uber liable for its drivers negligence?

The short answer is yes but it depends on several factors, mainly who’s fault is the accident and were they on an Uber metered ride when the accident occurred. Uber has a large, $1 million-dollar policy, but this policy is in effect when a driver is actually on a passenger ride or on the way to pick up a passenger. Many drivers might be on “time off” driving and therefore it is their normal insurance policy which kicks in, which usually is not as covered as Uber’s policy.

Uber’s policy carrier is specialized in denying claims as to avoid payouts and help their client. What makes things even more difficult is that sometimes they can claim injuries had occurred prior to the accident. It is highly suggested if you have been in an accident where an Uber is liable to contact an Uber Accident lawyer like Steven Daneshgar, one of the best in the state of California.

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10866 Wilshire Blvd
4th Floor,
Los Angeles, CA 90024

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