What Makes Driving in the Rain More Dangerous?

What Makes Driving in the Rain More Dangerous?

While most people would like to consider themselves as decent drivers, it’s always a humbling experience driving in the rain. Without a doubt, driving in the rain can be stressful at times. Driving in the rain makes it significantly more dangerous on the road and even the slightest amount of rain increases the risk of severe and fatal accidents. And although rain is a good thing, especially in Southern California, it is important to know and understand the risks of driving in it and how to make your drive a safer one.

Some of the reasons as to why driving in the rain is more dangerous than normal is due to the fact that rain can cause your tires to lose traction. For example, when the road becomes wet from the rain and the water mixes with dirt on the road, it makes it more difficult for your tires to grip onto the asphalt. When there are puddles present, it can cause your car to hydroplane. Besides these factors, rain and fog can make it difficult to see overall. When the downpour is so strong, it can certainly make it hard to see where you’re going.

Tips For Driving in the Rain

To make your drive in the rain safer, it is important to practice these tips:

  1. Give yourself plenty of time

When there is rain present, it is no surprise that traffic moves a lot slower than usual. And although it may slow you down while trying to get to your destination, it is important to know that it is a good thing, as you should always drive slower and more cautiously in the rain. Therefore, you should give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination. You should never rush while driving in the rain, as it increases the risk of an accident significantly.

  1. Turn on your low-beam headlights

It is important to use your low-beam headlights while driving in the rain, as it will allow you to see the road better and make it possible for other drivers to see you. But be sure not to use your high-beam headlights in the rain, as the light will reflect back and cause a glare.

  1. Keep a safe following distance between you and the vehicle in front of you

You should always keep a safe following distance between you and the vehicle in front of you, especially when driving in the rain. This will allow you to react to what's ahead of you in a timely manner.

  1. Ensure your windshield wipers are in working order

Before driving in the rain, always test your windshield wipers and make sure they are inspected regularly. Windshield wipers make it possible for you to see and drive in the rain.

  1. Don’t drive if you don’t have to

During inclement weather, including rain, it is best not to be on the road if it is possible. If you are able to, wait until the rain passes before hitting the road.

  1. Avoid standing water

If possible, avoid driving in standing water. Avoiding large puddles is always ideal, as there is a risk of hydroplaning. However, if you’re unable to avoid standing water while driving in the rain, be sure to slow down and be extra cautious.

Contact Daneshgar Law if You’ve Been Involved in an Accident

If you have been involved in an accident caused by the negligence of another, then it is important to contact Daneshgar Law for a free consultation with a trusted car accident lawyer in Los Angeles.

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